Marinus: (+27) 82 558 3137       Marnitz: (+27) 79 965 0030



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Situated amidst the serene landscapes of South Africa, the Van Jaarsveld family’s unwavering devotion to the Brahman breed is a testament to their profound love for nature and animals. In this idyllic setting, Marinus Van Jaarsveld, raised among livestock and the great outdoors, developed a lifelong passion for these magnificent creatures that would eventually shape the destiny of his family.

Marinus embarked on a journey to fulfill his dream in 2002, enrolling in an Auctioneer course, with a vision to host livestock auctions that would not only facilitate the exchange of cattle but also celebrate the timeless bond between humans and animals. Little did he know that this path would lead the Van Jaarsvelds to become stalwarts in the Brahman breeding community.

By 2008, after a decade of invaluable experience working with various cattle breeds, the Van Jaarsveld family ventured into the world of stud animal breeding. Their vision was clear – to produce cattle that were not just resilient but seamlessly adapted to their natural habitat. The cornerstone of their breeding program became the development of robust animals with unparalleled walking abilities and maternal instincts, capable of nurturing healthy veld calves year after year.

What sets Meadowood Brahman apart is the fact that it is a family affair through and through. The second generation, consisting of Marnitz, Carla, and Milan, is an integral and passionate part of this operation. They share the same deep-rooted love for Brahman cattle, the land, and the heritage established by Marinus.

Every member of the Meadowood Brahman herd undergoes rigorous screening, with fertility and temperament as non-negotiable criteria. These cattle graze on the challenging terrain of the Bushveld near Thabazimbi, known for its harsh conditions, including the threat of Heart Water, Red Water, and Gall sickness. Yet, these Brahman cattle thrive on the lush veld, relying solely on its nourishment. Their ability to traverse great distances daily for water and sustenance is a testament to their adaptability, while the Van Jaarsveld family’s dedication ensures that even their youngest calves grow up with gentle temperaments. Those that do not meet the exacting standards set by the family are culled, guaranteeing that only the best genetics are perpetuated.

In a world where cattle are judged by their resilience and adaptability, the Bushveld Brahman is unrivaled. To symbolize their commitment to the future, the Van Jaarsvelds rebranded their enterprise in 2010 as ASM, signifying the continuity of their family tradition through the initials of Marinus and his second-generation successors, Marnitz, Carla, and Milan.

With meticulous care, Marinus, along with the second generation, personally oversees the breeding program, handpicking the bulls and making AI selections that further enhance the genetic strength of their herd. Their goal is clear – to create functional, well-adjusted cattle that can not only survive but thrive on the bountiful Bushveld grasslands, efficiently converting nature’s gift into prime meat.

Since 2009, the Van Jaarsveld family has taken the reins of the Meadowood Brahman Stud, marking a chapter of unwavering dedication to preserving the Brahman breed’s excellence and a commitment to raising livestock that exemplify the very best of nature and nurture. The Meadowood Brahman Stud is not just a cattle farm; it’s a testament to the enduring love and respect that the Van Jaarsveld family holds for the Brahman breed, the land, and the timeless connection between humans and animals. Together, across generations, they continue to enrich this remarkable legacy.




Marinus van Jaarsveld: (+27) 82 558 3137


Marnitz van Jaarsveld: (+27) 79 965 0030


Modimolle, South Africa


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